Sunday, February 11, 2018

On the way to Arizona

Yes, I'm on the road again. This time to Arizona. Not Arizona Street, but Tucson, Arizona.

I've been living in San Diego the past ten years, and even though I love living here, it is getting prohibitively and ridiculously expensive to live here, especially if you want to live alone like I do. Roommate? No, thank you. Spouse? NO, thank you.

I was listening to a customer talk to his friend one day at work. He was saying how he bought this condo, and it was really cheap. Only $310K. It was a one bedroom, about 700 square feet. I could only think, how sad, that something over $300K was considered cheap!

And only today I heard the news say that even if you have one million dollars, it likely wouldn't be enough for you to retire in San Diego. So. Anyone wonder why I want to live elsewhere?

Thankfully, my job at Home Depot allows me to transfer to another store, even in another state. And since I've done pretty well the past few years, the only thing needed is a full time position in any of the Tucson stores, and I will be in.

I've requested  my transfer, but the other stores are just not cooperating. Only two of the six HR people answered their phones, so I couldn't actually talk to anyone. I applied online at one, and at both of the ones who answered the phone. The store I would really like to work at is near a bunch of apartments, and the rent is about half of what it is here. And those places all have pools and gyms. My place does not.

I don't think I'll mind the heat. I seldom complain here in SD, and it does get over 90 here, so it's not like it's always 72. And at 72, I'm not all that warm, and will wear long sleeves and jeans. The older I get, the colder I get. I am beginning to understand why old people move to places like Arizona and Florida.

So that is why I'm moving. I am eager to retire, and since housing is actually affordable in Arizona I can afford to buy a house without having to spend all my social security on a mortgage. I will work a few more years, after all, it will take a while to find a place that suits my needs. My sisters want me to live in Green Valley, but there are several reasons why, at this point, Tucson will work better for me. Although, if I'm desperate for a place to live, maybe I would rent from one of them on a temporary basis.


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