And the doc convinced me that I needed a flu shot, because she said if I would happen to get the flu while this cold is still active, that I would be extremely sick. So.... I had no excuse for not getting one.
On the upside, I lost 7 1/2 pounds so far this week, because I just don't have an appetite. I had a bacon egg and cheese mcds this morning, but after 2 bites, I was done. It looked so good, but ugh. I did manage to drink the entire large orange juice though, which no doubt did me a lot of good. Not eating= no vitamins.
I got a bunch of stuff from the doc (better living through chemistry)
so I'm hoping to get some sleep tonight. I tried Vicks last night, which pretty much did nothing. The doc suggested a vaporizer, which will arrive tomorrow so I have one more night to give the old Vicks a try.
And while I've been off, one of my coworkers sold a $20K tile quote of mine, so even though I don't have a sales goal while I'm not there, it's more like icing on the cake. I'm not there to kick butt in sales, so it's nice to know I'm making it anyway. Heh.
And of course, one of the things I packed away so carefully was the tv in my bedroom, so I can't even lay in bed and zone out with the TV on. I have a futon in the living room, which is not very comfortable for sleeping, so I have to sit up to watch TV. 1st world issues, I know, but when I need to lie down, I need to sleep. I did manage a nap after I went to the docs, I slept about 2 hours last night, and that 90 minutes today. It's going to take me a long time to catch up on the sleep. If it wasn't for the sleep issue, I wouldn't feel that bad.
Almost bedtime, I'm letting my bed heat up (electric mattress pad, best thing ever!) and then I will smear myself with Vicks and hit the sack. Hopefully I will be able to sleep some of the night.